Product Pick List Dropdown and Price¶
This extension provides you with the ability to showcase pricing for each product picklist item, offering a clear and detailed perspective for your customers. Additionally, it allows you to convert the product picklist into a dropdown format for a more streamlined and user-friendly interface. This helps to enhance customer experience on your site, promoting better understanding of your product offerings and potentially increasing conversions.
Demo Link:
Navigate to Storefront > Script Manager and click Create a Script. Choose the following options:
- Location on page =
- Select pages where script will be added =
Store Pages
- Script type =
Enter the script below into the Script contents section:
window.PapathemesCustomSettings = {
graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
currencyCode: '{{currency_selector.active_currency_code}}',
rules: [
// {
// productIds = [],
// options: ['Software Version'],
// },
transformToDropdown: true,
<script src="" async defer></script>