Product Card Unit Price


Install on your BigCommerce Store

Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = Store pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.PapathemesProductCardUnitPriceSettings = {
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
        money: {{{json}}}
<script src="" async defer></script>

Replace YOURDOMAIN by your store's domain name, for example The complete URL should look like


window.PapathemesProductCardUnitPriceSettings = {
    debug = false,
    graphQLToken = '',
    graphQLItemLimit = 20,
    productCardSelector = '.card, [class*="sd-product-set-carousel"] > div > div > div',
    unitOptionNames = ['Weight'],
    allowDecimalUnit = true,
    unitPriceWithTaxHtml = `
        <div class="price-section price-section--unit price-section--withTax">
            <span class="price-label">From</span>
            <span data-product-price-with-tax= class="price price--withTax price--main">{price}</span><span class="price-label">/{unit}</span>
    unitPriceWithoutTaxHtml = `
        <div class="price-section price-section--unit price-section--withoutTax">
            <span class="price-label">From</span>
            <span data-product-price-with-tax class="price price--withoutTax price--main">{price}</span><span class="price-label">/{unit}</span>
    findProductIdFunc = $card =>
        Number($'entityId')) ||
        Number($card.find('[data-product-id]').data('productId')) ||
        Number($card.find('[href*="product_id="]').attr('href').replace(/^.*product_id=([0-9]*).*$/i, '$1')),
    extractValueFunc = valueLabel => {
        const a = valueLabel.split(' ', 2).map(s => String(s).trim());
        return {
            number: Number(a[0]),
            unit: a[1],
    insertUnitPriceFunc = ($card, html) => {
        if ($'.card')) {
            $card.find('.card-body [data-test-info-type="price"]').first().html('').append(html);
        } else {