Multiple Category Dependent Dropdowns

Horizontal layout demo:

Horizontal layout demo

Vertical layout demo:

Vertical layout demo

Vertical layout - 5 Levels:

5 levels

Install on your BigCommerce store

Horizontal layout

Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.jQueryTheme = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQuery;
    window.PapathemesMCDDSettings = {
        renderToSelector: 'body > .body',
        usePrepend: true,
        rootCategoryId: 0,
        maxDepth: 3,
        showOnAllPages: true,
        lang: {
            heading: 'Find Auto Parts',
            category_label_0: 'Make:',
            category_label_1: 'Year:',
            category_label_2: 'Model:',
            choose_label_0: 'Select Make',
            choose_label_1: 'Select Year',
            choose_label_2: 'Select Model',
            submit_label: 'Find'
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_breadcrumbs" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{{{JSONstringify breadcrumbs}}}</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_category" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{ "name": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify category.url}}} }</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_subcategories" data-instantload-body-dynamic>[{{#each category.subcategories}}{ "name": {{{JSONstringify name}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify id}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify url}}} }{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}{{/each}}]</script>
<script src="//" async></script>
  • Replace YOURDOMAIN by your domain name. For example:
  • Update body > .body in renderToSelector: 'body > .body' by the container HTML element selector to render the form.
  • usePrepend = true: specify the form will be rendered on the top inside of the container HTML element.
  • rootCategoryId = 0: specify the root category to load its subcategories into the first dropdown.
  • maxDepth: specify the number of dropdowns or categories to display.
  • showOnAllPages = true: Show on all pages or only on the coresponding category, descendant cateories and products.
  • Customize words or languages in lang variable.

Vertical layout

Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.jQueryTheme = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQuery;
    window.PapathemesMCDDSettings = {
        renderToSelector: '.page-sidebar',
        usePrepend: true,
        rootCategoryId: 0,
        maxDepth: 5,
        showOnAllPages: true,
        verticalLayout: true,
        lang: {
            heading: 'Find Auto Parts',
            category_label_0: 'Make:',
            category_label_1: 'Year:',
            category_label_2: 'Model:',
            choose_label_0: 'Select Make',
            choose_label_1: 'Select Year',
            choose_label_2: 'Select Model',
            submit_label: 'Find'
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_breadcrumbs" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{{{JSONstringify breadcrumbs}}}</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_category" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{ "name": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify category.url}}} }</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_subcategories" data-instantload-body-dynamic>[{{#each category.subcategories}}{ "name": {{{JSONstringify name}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify id}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify url}}} }{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}{{/each}}]</script>
<script src="//" async></script>
  • Replace YOURDOMAIN by your domain name. For example:
  • Update .page-sidebar in renderToSelector: '.page-sidebar' by the container HTML element selector to render the form.
  • usePrepend = true: specify the form will be rendered on the top inside of the container HTML element.
  • maxDepth: specify the number of dropdowns or categories to display.
  • verticalLayout = true: Display the form vertically.
  • Customize words or languages in lang variable.

Insert on Supermarket theme

Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.PapathemesMCDDSettings = {
        renderToSelector: 'body > .body',
        usePrepend: true,
        rootCategoryId: 0,
        maxDepth: 3,
        instantload: {{JSONstringify theme_settings.instantload}},
        lang: {
            heading: 'Find Auto Parts',
            category_label_0: 'Make:',
            category_label_1: 'Year:',
            category_label_2: 'Model:',
            choose_label_0: 'Select Make',
            choose_label_1: 'Select Year',
            choose_label_2: 'Select Model',
            submit_label: 'Find'
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_breadcrumbs" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{{{JSONstringify breadcrumbs}}}</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_category" data-instantload-body-dynamic>{ "name": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify category.url}}} }</script>
<script type="application/json" id="PAPATHEMESMCDD_subcategories" data-instantload-body-dynamic>[{{#each category.subcategories}}{ "name": {{{JSONstringify name}}}, "id": {{{JSONstringify id}}}, "url": {{{JSONstringify url}}} }{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}{{/each}}]</script>
<script src="//" async></script>
  • Update body > .body in renderToSelector: 'body > .body' by the container HTML element selector to render the form.
  • usePrepend = true: specify the form will be rendered on the top inside of the container HTML element.
  • maxDepth: specify the number of dropdowns or categories to display.
  • Customize words or languages in lang variable.


  1. Create the hierachy categories as below screenshot for example:

hierarchy categories

  1. Assign products to the appropriate categories.

  2. Edit the root filter category ID, you will find the category ID in the address bar:


  1. Edit the theme file or the script in Script Manager, enter the category ID as below screenshot:
