Checkout File Upload

This extension will add File Upload field on the checkout page.


Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All Pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.PapathemesCheckoutFileUploadSettings = {
        debug: true,
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
        checkoutId: '{{{}}}',
        pageType: '{{page_type}}',
        customFieldNames: ['Prescription'],
        customFieldValueRegex: /yes|1|true/i,
        fileModifierNames: ['File Upload']
<script src="" async defer></script>

Replace YOURDOMAIN by your store's domain name, for example The complete URL should look like

Edit Upload File Product

Edit the product that holds the uploaded file:

  • Create a custom field, for example: Prescription with value = Yes.
  • Add a File Upload modifier name = File Upload.


  1. Add this product to cart
  2. Proceed to the checkout page. At the payment step, the file upload form will appear.