Products Frequently Bought Together

frequently bought together demo

Install on your BigCommerce theme

  1. Extract and copy all files in templates/components/papathemes/also-bought/ to your theme with the corresponding path templates/components/papathemes/also-bought/.

  2. Edit file assets/js/app.js of your theme, find the line:

const customClasses = {};

Insert the code below under it:

// PapaThemes AlsoBought MOD
if (!window.jQueryTheme) {
    window.jQueryTheme = $;
  1. Edit file assets/js/theme/common/product-details.js, find the line:
this.previewModal = modalFactory('#previewModal')[0];

Insert the code below under it:

// PapaThemes AlsoBought MOD
$('body').trigger('product-details-init', [this]);
$('body').one('load.alsobought', (event, callback) => callback(event, this));
  1. Edit file lang/en.json, At the end of file, before the last }, insert the code below:
    "also_bought": {
        "heading": "Frequently bought together:",
        "add_all": "Select all",
        "add_selected_to_cart": "Add selected to cart"
  1. Edit file config.json, add "alsobought_product": "custom" to the settings variable.

  2. Edit file schema.json, add the setting schema to product page section:

    "type": "select",
    "label": "Frequently Bought Together",
    "id": "alsobought_product",
    "force_reload": true,
    "options": [
        "value": "custom",
        "label": "Custom fields"
        "value": "related",
        "label": "Related products"
        "value": "similar",
        "label": "Similar by views"

Add the code below to Storefront > Script Manager, Location = Footer, Pages = All Storefront Pages:

<script>window.jQueryAlsoBought = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuery;</script>
<script src="//" async></script>

Note: replace YOURDOMAIN by your own domain, example:

<script>window.jQueryAlsoBought = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuery;</script>
<script src="//" async></script>

Assign frequently bought products to a product

To configure the products displayed in the Frequently Bought Together (FBT) section on the Product Page, go to the Theme Editor, navigate to Theme Styles > Product (or Product Page). A new setting called Frequently Bought Together has been added. Here, you can select related products or customer-viewed products for specific products.

If you want to choose specific products from custom fields, you can edit the product and add a custom field named __alsobought with the frequently bought product ID as the value. You can add as many custom fields with the name __alsobought as you want.

For example:

  • __alsobought : 389
  • __alsobought : 388
  • __alsobought : 390

Advanced configuration

    window.jQueryAlsoBought = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuery;
    // Optional configuration to display Also Bought at different position:
    window.AlsoBoughtOptions = {
        getScopeWithoutAlsoBought: function($scope) {
            return $scope.children().not('[data-also-bought]');
        renderAlsoBought: function(alsoBought) {
<script src="//" async></script>
  • getScopeWithoutAlsoBought: Callback function to retrieve the HTML element of the product view scope excluding the element contains the products frequently bought together.
  • renderAlsoBought: callback function to print out the product frequently bought together.

Make products frequently bought together add to cart independently from the main product

    window.jQueryAlsoBought = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuery;
    window.AlsoBoughtOptions = {
        independent: true
<script src="//" async></script>

Set independent: true in the script option.

JH Buy Together (v2)

Git: bigcommerce-api-app/jh-buy-together


    window.PapaThemesJhBuyTogetherSettings = {
        debug: true,
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
        addToCartFormSelector: '[data-also-bought-parent-scope] [data-cart-item-add]',
<script src="http://localhost:9000/main.public.js" async defer></script>