Bulk Pricing Variants (Alternative)

Bulk pricing variants

Git: https://github.com/tvlgiao/bc-bigcommerce-api-app/microapps/bulk-pricing-variants

This extension displays all product variants and bulk pricing tiers in a table on PDP.


Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All pages
  • Category type = Essential
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

    window.PapathemesBulkPricingVariantsSettings = {
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
        currencyCode: '{{currency_selector.active_currency_code}}',
        money: {{{json settings.money}}},
        displayTableFunc: function($table, $scope) {
    (function() {
        function loadMainScript() {
            window.jQueryTheme = window.jQueryTheme || window.jQuery;
            var js = document.createElement('script');
            js.src = 'https://d3r059eq9mm6jz.cloudfront.net/microapps/bulk-pricing-variants/main.YOURDOMAIN.js';
            js.async = true;
            js.defer = true;
        if (!window.jQueryTheme && !window.jQuery) {
            var jquery = document.createElement('script');
            jquery.src = 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js';
            jquery.integrity = 'sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=';
            jquery.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
            jquery.async = true;
            jquery.defer = true;
            jquery.onload = loadMainScript;
        } else {

Replace YOURDOMAIN by your domain name, for example khardware.com