Fractional Quantity & Unit Labels

The Fractional Quantity & Unit Labels extension enables the display and adjustment of product quantities in fractional increments, such as 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and so on. Additionally, it allows for customization of unit price labels, like "Yards." Users can configure both the unit price label and fractional quantity increments for individual products through custom product fields. This extension is easily installed via the Script Manager without the need to modify theme files and is compatible with all BigCommerce themes.

fractional product quantity

Please note that this extension is specifically designed for the Supermarket theme. If the merchant is using a different theme, our developer may need to modify some CSS code and configuration settings to ensure proper compatibility with their custom theme.


Navigate to Storefront > Script Manager and click Create a Script. Choose the following options:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = Store Pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below into the Script contents section:

    window.PapathemesCustomSettings = {
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}',
        fractionUnitCustomField: '__unit',
        fractionUnitLabelCustomField: '__unit_label'
<script src="" async defer></script>

Edit your product:

  • Add a custom field named __unit with a value representing the fractional quantity number (e.g., 0.5).
  • Add a custom field named __unit_label with a value representing the unit price label (e.g., Yards).

Edit custom fields



Run the script in development mode:

cd microapps/customizations
npm i
npm run dev --domain=gstreetfabrics

Edit the base.html file of the theme and add the following code below the {{{footer.script}}} line:

    window.PapathemesCustomSettings = {
        graphQLToken: '{{{settings.storefront_api.token}}}'
<script src="http://localhost:9000/gstreetfabrics/main.js" async defer></script>

Edit a product:

  • Add a custom field named __unit with a value representing the fractional quantity number (e.g., 0.5).
  • Add a custom field named __unit_label with a value representing the unit price label (e.g., Yards).

After making these changes, test the product quantity box of the edited product to ensure proper functionality.

Deploy the script to production server

npm run deploy --domain=gstreetfabrics