Display color swatches / image swatches on product card items


This product color swatches add-on allows to display color swatches or product image swatches on product card items on Homepage, category pages, brands pages or any pages where product cards appear. It loads the swatches from your product attributes automatically, no extra input required.

The add-on also supports changing product image and price when a color swatch is selected.

Install the script on your BigCommerce store

Go to Storefront > Script Manager, click Create a Script, choose:

  • Location on page = Footer
  • Select pages where script will be added = All pages
  • Script type = Script

Enter the script below to Scripts contents:

<script>if (!window.jQuery) window.jQuery = window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQueryTheme;</script>
<script src="//papathemes.com/content/productswatchesaddon/productswatches.YOURDOMAIN.js" async></script>

Replace YOURDOMAIN by your own store domain. Example:

<script>if (!window.jQuery) window.jQuery = window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQueryTheme;</script>
<script src="https://papathemes.com/content/productswatchesaddon/productswatches.fivebrotherworkwear.com.js" async></script>

Example with custom CSS and using GraphQL for faster performance:

        productIdSelector: '.quickview, .quickview-alt, [data-product-id]',
        graphQLToken: '{{settings.storefront_api.token}}'
<script type="text/plain" id="papathemes_productswatchesaddon_css">
    .productSwatches-attributes { -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow: auto }
    .productSwatches-attributes::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; }
    .productSwatches-swatches { display: inline-flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; margin: 0 auto; }
    @media (max-width: 800px) {
        .productSwatches-attributes { height: 26px; }
    @media (min-width: 801px) {
        .productSwatches-attributes { height: 16px; }
        .productSwatches-swatches-item .form-option-variant--color,
        .productSwatches-swatches-item .form-option-variant--pattern { width: 12px; height: 12px; }
    (function() {
        var style = document.createElement('style');
        style.innerHTML = document.getElementById('papathemes_productswatchesaddon_css').innerHTML;
<script>if (!window.jQuery) window.jQuery = window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQueryTheme;</script>
<script src="https://papathemes.com/content/productswatchesaddon/productswatches.solartown.com.js" async></script>

Install when your site has no jQuery

If your site has no jQuery declared globally, add the line below to the top:


Completed code example:

<script>if (!window.jQuery) window.jQuery = window.jQuerySupermarket || window.jQueryTheme;</script>
<script src="https://papathemes.com/content/productswatchesaddon/productswatches.fivebrotherworkwear.com.js" async></script>

Another approach based on variant SKU

The color swatches logic is as follows:

  • The color swatches should be generated by using the variant SKU. The variant SKU will always end in the color code. The color code is the name of the swatch image (in lower case). Example: STB210-OR; "OR" is the color code; "or.jpg' is the swatch image. Example: STB159-CRFU; "CRFU" is the color code; "crfu.jpg" is the swatch image.
  • The color swatch images are in the attached zip file.

Github Repo: https://github.com/tvlgiao/bc-petals-root-theme-card-color-swatches-variant-sku

Custom JavaScript auto select the coresponding color on PDP

(function($) {
    $('body').on('click', '.productSwatches-swatches-item', function(event) {
        var $el = $(event.currentTarget);
        var id = $el.data('attributeId');
        var value = $el.data('attributeValue');
        var $a = $el.closest('.card').find('.card-figure > a');
        var href = $a.attr('href').replace(/\?.*$/, '') + '?attribute[' + id + ']=' + value;
        $a.attr('href', href);
    $(window).on('load', function() {
        var params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
        for (let k of params.keys()) {
            var m = k.match(/attribute\[([0-9]+)\]/);
            if (m) {
                var value = params.get(k);
                $('input').filter(function(i, el) {
                    var $el = $(el);
                    return $el.attr('name') === k && $el.attr('value') === value;